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7 dic 2019
- Chino simplificado
Quality Point(s): 49
Respuestas: 60
me gusta: 55
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¿Cuándo dar "no me gusta" a una respuesta
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7 dic 2019
- Inglés (US)
Quality Point(s): 95132
Respuestas: 28751
me gusta: 17823
No difference to me..
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7 dic 2019
- Inglés (US)
Quality Point(s): 126363
Respuestas: 19572
me gusta: 19540
"Ooo" or "ooh" is a sound of interest or happiness or surprise.
"Ohh" is a sound of understanding or remembering.
Ooh, did you see Jessica's new dress? It's so pretty! (= happiness)
Ooh, this candy tastes like strawberries! (= surprise)
Ooh, tell me more about your vacation! (= interest)
Ohh, before I forget, I saw Bill at the store today. (= remembering something)
Ohh, I see how to use the coffee maker now. (= understanding)
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